I'm Enjoying This

>> Sunday, November 29, 2009

Senator Lindsey Graham is censured by the mighty Charleston County Republican Party for -- shock and horrors! -- compromising with the opposition on Cap and Trade.

Now, I thought that's what was supposed to happen in legislative bodies -- compromise. Not for the Angry Republicans however. They prefer ideological purity and dictatorial governance.

Where did we last see something like that?

But don't worry, the moderate wing of the Republican Party isn't interested in compromising on their conservative credentials, if Marvin Rogers, 33, is representative at all:
“I’m not asking anyone to be any less conservative — please don’t,” Mr. Rogers said. “But be more civil in communicating that conservative message. Don’t get on TV talking about ‘The president’s a racist.’ Don’t get on the radio talking about Waterloos.”
Civility. A civil right wing in the U.S. Now that would be something.


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